Seavue Apartments

It is quite daunting when becoming the Body Corporate Chair of a high rise strata block of 69 units and finding out the building will be painted during your term!


Fortunately, however, the previous committee had the wisdom of contracting Kate from ASQ, to oversee the project.

Kate has shown that not only does she have building engineering expertise but is also up to date with regulations. She was able to do a comprehensive inspection of the building and present to us a comprehensive overview of work needing to be done.

Kate took care of getting us quotes from reputable companies and presented the committee with an over view of the top 3, along with her suggestion as to which company to engage! So easy!!!

The painting is due to start in April. I am not at all worried about the work involved for me as I am totally confident in Kate’s ability to manage the project.

June McCrorie
Body Corporate Chair
Seavue Apartments

Isolated Building Issue Report

Building Details

CTS Details

Supporting Information

Project Management Services

Building Details

CTS Details

Supporting Information

Full Building Condition Report

Building Details

CTS Details

Supporting Information

Building Defect Report

Building Details

CTS Details

Supporting Information